Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Outside the mountain house

Winter Woodpile, 9 x 12

At the end of a long day of hiking and painting, I couldn't resist one more attempt with this little vignette. Our friends had cleared some dead trees, the logs were all stacked so neatly and who can resist a red wheelbarrow? Not me.


eLIZabeth Floyd said...

Hi Laurel, this is a fun scene!

As you found out last night, I've passed along "Brilliante Weblog" award to you. Enjoy.

Barbara Haviland-Texas Contemporary Artist said...

I like this one too..

Barbara Muir said...

A beauty -- as usual.
I nominated you for a
"Brilliante Weblog Award". It's
completely voluntary -- and the list
of rules is on my September 10 blog.

I couldn't make a list that didn't
include you. Your work is so
